Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Stuff That Really Matters Most

Too soon old, too late smart. I'm writing here today to share an atom of wisdom, gleaned from nearly three score years of living. Someone told me that we learn the most from our mistakes.

A foolish man never learns from his mistakes.
A smart man learns from his mistakes.
A wise man learns from others mistakes.

Henry Ford explains that "Those who never make mistakes work for those of us who do."

We learn best from our mistakes. But we don't have time to make every mistake, so please learn from mine and from those people much wiser than I.

Success leaves clues, according to Tony Robbins. Have you ever noticed that many counterfeits of success litter our way? I found a fabulous tool to help me. Take the counterfeit and find the real gem it seeks to imitate.

The world today will tell you that its all about money. "Show me the money."
"You can buy anything with money." That is the counterfeit.

The truth is that money can't buy ... . You fill in the blank. This became a shining clue to me. The things that really matter most are things that money cannot buy.

So, I ask you this question, "What do you want in life? What do you really want?" A very wise man said, "Man is that he might have joy."

So, how do we get joy? Using the clue "money can't buy ..." I identified seven things that you will find bring the greatest joy.

Here they are:

  • Time
  • Relationships
  • Knowledge & Wisdom
  • Talents, Skills & Gifts
  • Attitude
  • Character
  • Unalienable Rights
In the blogs to follow I will write more about each one of these most important things, the stuff that really matters most.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Knowledge is the Door to Freedom

Mike Feinham, co-founder of KIPP Schools tells us that Knowledge is the door to Power. I would add to that that knowledge is the door to Freedom. By having more knowledge we have more choices and thus, more freedom.

The New Testament tells us "Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free." (John 8:32). This is not a new concept.

So, read more, learn more, get more knowledge and gain greater freedom.